Community participation NDIS
The NDIS, through a funding stream, provides funding for organizations to increase the social and community participation of people with disability. There are different types of organizations that can apply for funding, including local governments, community service providers, and disability service providers. Funding is awarded on a competitive basis. The aim of this program is to increase the social and community participation of people with disability who, in the past, have not been able to participate, due to a lack of opportunity or resources. Funding can be used to deliver a wide range of community participation activities.
NDIS community participation
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has enabled people with disability to receive expanded community participation services. The NDIS is a national, nationally consistent program for people with disability and their carers. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the federal agency responsible for the design and delivery of the NDIS. The NDIS was established to improve the lives of people with disability. The NDIS enables people to be active participants in the community by providing financial support, accessible housing, and community services and supports to enable person-centered and goal-oriented activities. The NDIS provides a framework and supports to enable people to participate in a range of community activities including: - Organising social and community events - Helping with community projects - Taking part in community activities and sporting clubs - Voluntary work - Education and training - Health and medical services - Day-to-day living skills and household management
Assistance with social and community participation
Some people with disability want to get more involved in social and community activities. The NDIS offers a range of services to enable people to participate in the community. - Community Integration Service – This service provides support to help people with disability participate in the community. This includes support with planning, accessing community resources and activities, and self-funding. - Support with Organising – This service supports people to organize social and community events such as dinners, parties, or volunteering. - Support with Planning – This service supports people with disability to make a plan for their day, week, or year. It can help people to plan their activities, choose the right resources, and access the right support. - Support with Accessing – This service includes equipment like accessible tools, ramps, and lifts to enable people to participate in the community.
Increased social and community participation NDIS examples
Case Study 1: An occupational therapist assists a person with a disability to organise sport and social activities. The activities are designed to increase the person’s confidence as they work to regain their independence. Case Study 2: A person with a disability who is receiving support from a community integration service is able to organise a home-based meal preparation course to assist other people with disability who are unable to cook.
Community participation
Community participation can take many forms. Some of the most common types of community participation include volunteering, recreational activities, cultural activities, and attending social events. There are many ways that people with disability can participate in their local community. Community participation is a great way for people with disabilities to make new friends, try new experiences, and improve their social skills.