Community participation examples
People with disability have thrived and flourished in the community over time, but have faced challenges in their participation. Community participation can mean many things including social activities, leisure activities, volunteer opportunities, and participation in community events. These activities provide opportunities for people with disabilities to interact with each other and with people who do not have disabilities. Participants can share experiences, form friendships, and learn about disabilities by working side by side. People with disability may face challenges in gaining access to community participation opportunities. For example, they may not know about programs or services available in the community, or they may face barriers to accessing these services, such as transportation, childcare, or financial limitations.
NDIS registration groups explained
The Australian government’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new type of government program that offers funding for services to help people with disabilities live more independent and meaningful lives. The NDIS is available in just two states, Queensland and New South Wales. All states are assessing their NDIS options and it is likely that the program will expand to other states in the future. When the NDIS is fully rolled out, it will be available to people with disability living in over 500 locations across Australia. People with disability living in a specific location can register with the NDIS. This means the government will provide funding for a range of services, including equipment and personal support. People without disabilities may also register with the NDIS and access the range of services and funding that are available. The NDIS is a government-run program.
NDIS social and community participation
The NDIS is a new disability scheme that has been designed to support people with disability, their families, and carers. This scheme also aims to increase the social participation and inclusion of people with disability. From 1 July 2019, the NDIS will be available to eligible people with disability who live in their own homes and who are aged 18 or over. The NDIS is a new service delivery model which is replacing the current disability support system. The NDIS recognizes the value of people with disability and their families and carers to their communities and the wider Australian community. The NDIS is being implemented in stages to better support individuals, families, and communities as they transition to the new scheme. For more information on this transition, visit